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https://www.deri.com.tw/ 德億工業股份有限公司 Der-I Industrial Co., Ltd.
德億工業股份有限公司 Der-I Industrial Co., Ltd. 新北市
        環保署預告修正「免洗餐具限制使用對象及實施方式」公告事項第二項草案   懶人包   1. 以下場所不得提供免洗餐具: 1.1 政府部門 1.2 學校餐廳 1.3 百貨公司 1.4 購物中心 1.5 量販店 1.6 超級市場 1.7 連鎖便利商店 1.8 連鎖速食店 1.9 有店面餐飲業     2. 生物可分解塑膠亦列入不得使用範圍。     3. 有店面之餐飲業的定義? 指凡營業範圍於建築物內或由建築物內延伸至騎樓、人行道等公共空間, 且提供座位供顧客點叫後可在現場食用之餐飲業,包括餐館業及飲料店業。 但公、民有市場、夜市內之餐飲性攤商(舖、販)不在此限。     4. 購買食品後帶至辦公室座位、學校教室、電影院內,是否在管制範圍? 購買食品後帶至辦公室座位、學校教室、電影院內,皆屬於外帶行為。   小結,只要外帶即不受管制。 小勸告,請各位客戶使用完塑膠餐具後,能清洗再使用就循環使用,     不要使用一次即丟棄。 大勸告,請各位客戶務必做好垃圾分類與垃圾回收。     1. Disposable tableware is not allowed in the following places: 1.1 Government departments1.2 School cafeteria1.3 Department stores1.4 Shopping mall1.5 mass merchandiser1.6 Supermarket1.7 Chain convenience stores1.8 Chain fast food restaurants1.9 Catering industry with stores   2. Biodegradable plastics are also prohibited from use.   3. What is the definition of catering industry with stores? It refers to any catering industry whose business scope is within a buildingor extends from a building to public spaces such as arcades and sidewalks,and which provides seats for customers to order and eat on-site,including restaurants and beverage shops.However, this does not apply to catering vendors (shops, vendors)in public and private markets and night markets. 4. Is it within the scope of control to buy food and bring it to office seats, school classrooms, or movie theaters?Purchasing food and bringing it to office seats, school classrooms, and movie theaters is considered take-out behavior.   In summary, as long as it is takeout, it is not subject to restrictions. A little advice: after using plastic tableware, please recycle it if it can be cleaned and reused.   Do not use it once and throw it away.Great advice, all customers must do a good job in sorting and recycling garbage.   https://www.deri.com.tw/hot_494475.html 免洗餐具限制使用對象及實施方式 Restricted use objects and implementation methods of disposable tableware 2024-07-18 2025-07-18
德億工業股份有限公司 Der-I Industrial Co., Ltd. 新北市 https://www.deri.com.tw/hot_494475.html
德億工業股份有限公司 Der-I Industrial Co., Ltd. 新北市 https://www.deri.com.tw/hot_494475.html
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德億工業股份有限公司 Der-I Industrial Co., Ltd. 新北市
    衛生福利部食品藥物管理署-餐具清洗良好作業指引 【發布日期:2012-09-07】     七、自有設施設備    (一)、提供餐飲業者清洗餐具服務之業者 除應具有符合食品良好衛生規範之建築與設施外, 並應備有至少一套輸送帶式              或類似型式具洗滌、沖洗、有效殺菌功能之高溫自動洗滌設施。 大型餐飲場所若未購置自動洗滌設施而以人工洗滌時,           其清洗設施亦應具有洗滌、沖洗、有效殺菌三項功能。    (二)、足夠之餐具貯存架。    (三)、足夠之密閉容器以運送餐具。    (四)、足夠貯放餐具之箱型可密閉之運送車。    (五)、清潔區與其他區域應有效隔離,區內具有正壓系統以防由外部環境污染。    (六)、清洗作業場所應有防止病媒入侵設施。    (七)、提供餐飲業者清洗餐具服務之業者應以密閉容器收取餐具,                再置於密閉車運送,運至處理場所後應集中貯存於污染區,  運輸車輛之廂體及密閉容器應立即以加壓水洗淨並維持乾燥狀態,必要時應予消毒。     九、清洗作業   高溫自動洗滌設施及人工三槽式餐具洗滌設施應具有洗滌、沖洗、有效殺菌之功能   且高溫自動洗滌設施水壓應在二十三磅/平方英吋(23lbs/psi)以上,   相關作業要求如下:  (一)、洗滌槽:具有45℃以上含洗潔劑之熱水。    (二)、沖洗槽:具有充足流動之水,且能將洗潔劑沖洗乾淨。    (三)、有效殺菌槽:得以下列方式之一達成:   1、 水溫應在80℃以上(人工洗滌應浸二分鐘以上)。   2、 110℃以上之乾熱(人工洗滌加熱時間三十分鐘以上)。   3、 餘氯量200ppm(百萬分之二百)氯液(人工洗滌浸泡時間二分鐘以上)。   4、 100℃以上之蒸氣(人工洗滌加熱時間二分鐘以上)。    (四)、水溫、水壓未達標準時,不得洗滌。         Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare -    Good Practice Guidelines for Tableware Washing [Release Date: 2012-09-07]   7. Own facilities and equipment   (1) In addition to having buildings and facilities that comply with good food hygiene standards,    businesses that provide tableware cleaning services for catering businesses    should also have at least one set of conveyor belt-type or similar high- temperature automatic machines    with washing, rinsing, and effective sterilization functions. Laundry facilities.    If a large catering establishment does not purchase automatic washing facilities but uses manual washing,    its washing facilities should also have the three functions of washing, rinsing, and effective sterilization.    (2) Sufficient tableware storage racks.    (3) Sufficient airtight containers to transport tableware.    (4) A box-shaped and sealable transport vehicle that is large enough to store tableware.    (5) The clean area should be effectively isolated from other areas,    and a positive pressure system should be installed in the area    to prevent contamination from the external environment.    (6) The cleaning workplace should have facilities to prevent vector invasion.    (7) Those who provide tableware cleaning services for catering operators    should collect the tableware in sealed containers and transport them in sealed vehicles.    After being transported to the treatment site, they should be stored centrally in the contaminated area. The carriages and sealed containers of the transport vehicles   should be cleaned immediately.    Wash with pressurized water and keep in a dry state. Disinfect if necessary.   9. Cleaning operations   High-temperature automatic washing facilities and manual three-tank tableware washing facilities    should have the functions of washing, rinsing, and effective sterilization.    The water pressure of high-temperature automatic washing facilities should be above    twenty-three pounds per square inch (23lbs/psi). The relevant operating requirements are as follows :    (1) Sink: with hot water containing detergent above 45°C.    (2) Rinsing tank:  It has sufficient flowing water and can rinse the detergent cleanly.    (3) Effective sterilization tank: achieved in one of the following ways:      1.The water temperature should be above 80℃.          (manual washing should be soaked for more than two minutes)      2. Dry heat above 110℃          (manual washing and heating time is more than 30 minutes).        3. The residual chlorine content is 200ppm          (200 parts per million) chlorine liquid             (manual washing and soaking time is more than two minutes).         4. Steam above 100℃          (manual washing and heating time is more than two minutes).    (4) Do not wash when the water temperature and        water pressure do not meet the standards. https://www.deri.com.tw/hot_494474.html 餐具清洗良好作業指引 Good practice guidelines for dishwashing 2024-07-18 2025-07-18
德億工業股份有限公司 Der-I Industrial Co., Ltd. 新北市 https://www.deri.com.tw/hot_494474.html
德億工業股份有限公司 Der-I Industrial Co., Ltd. 新北市 https://www.deri.com.tw/hot_494474.html
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