德亿为专业制造商,MADE IN TAIWAN ,100%台湾制造,行销台湾及世界多国。
「德亿工业」设立於1975年, 主要业务为塑胶射出成型及模具研发生产。
为满足多元化的客户需求, 德亿工业於2005年成立了「德亿包装」。
Der-I Industrial Co., Ltd is a leading injection technology manufacturer of disposal and microwavable packaging in Taiwan.
We design, manufacture and sell both standardized products and individually customized packaging products. The major product lines of us include disposal food containers, tableware and beverage cups for take-away catering and contract manufactured food packaging.
With proficient product knowledge and matured manufacture technologies in food packaging industry for years.
Der-I Industrial Co., Ltd has launched our own products which features in reasonable price, storage saved purpose, microwaveable, frozen purpose and recycling to help create a convenient and environment protection life for consumers.
The products of ours bring the budget saved and friendly use to consumers meanwhile meet the most important demands of food packaging-clean and disinfection.
It is worth to mention that each part of our products could be recycled totally hence it will decrease and release the pollution and burden to the environment for human beings and the nature.
服务内容: 外带餐盒餐具汤杯,免洗外带盒,可微波免洗外带便当盒
产品配送方式:宅配, 亲取交易/付款方式:ATM转帐, 货到付款, 电汇
主要服务地区:台湾北部, 台湾中部, 台湾南部, 台湾东部, 北美, 纽澳, 其他, 全国地区