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免洗餐具限制使用对象及实施方式 Restricted use objects and implementation methods of disposable tableware4
https://www.deri.com.tw/ 德亿工业股份有限公司 Der-I Industrial Co., Ltd.
德亿工业股份有限公司 Der-I Industrial Co., Ltd. 新北市
        环保署预告修正「免洗餐具限制使用对象及实施方式」公告事项第二项草案   懒人包   1. 以下场所不得提供免洗餐具: 1.1 政府部门 1.2 学校餐厅 1.3 百货公司 1.4 购物中心 1.5 量贩店 1.6 超级市场 1.7 连锁便利商店 1.8 连锁速食店 1.9 有店面餐饮业     2. 生物可分解塑胶亦列入不得使用范围。     3. 有店面之餐饮业的定义? 指凡营业范围於建筑物内或由建筑物内延伸至骑楼、人行道等公共空间, 且提供座位供顾客点叫后可在现场食用之餐饮业,包括餐馆业及饮料店业。 但公、民有市场、夜市内之餐饮性摊商(铺、贩)不在此限。     4. 购买食品后带至办公室座位、学校教室、电影院内,是否在管制范围? 购买食品后带至办公室座位、学校教室、电影院内,皆属於外带行为。   小结,只要外带即不受管制。 小劝告,请各位客户使用完塑胶餐具后,能清洗再使用就循环使用,     不要使用一次即丢弃。 大劝告,请各位客户务必做好垃圾分类与垃圾回收。     1. Disposable tableware is not allowed in the following places: 1.1 Government departments1.2 School cafeteria1.3 Department stores1.4 Shopping mall1.5 mass merchandiser1.6 Supermarket1.7 Chain convenience stores1.8 Chain fast food restaurants1.9 Catering industry with stores   2. Biodegradable plastics are also prohibited from use.   3. What is the definition of catering industry with stores? It refers to any catering industry whose business scope is within a buildingor extends from a building to public spaces such as arcades and sidewalks,and which provides seats for customers to order and eat on-site,including restaurants and beverage shops.However, this does not apply to catering vendors (shops, vendors)in public and private markets and night markets. 4. Is it within the scope of control to buy food and bring it to office seats, school classrooms, or movie theaters?Purchasing food and bringing it to office seats, school classrooms, and movie theaters is considered take-out behavior.   In summary, as long as it is takeout, it is not subject to restrictions. A little advice: after using plastic tableware, please recycle it if it can be cleaned and reused.   Do not use it once and throw it away.Great advice, all customers must do a good job in sorting and recycling garbage.   https://www.deri.com.tw/hot_494475.html 免洗餐具限制使用对象及实施方式 Restricted use objects and implementation methods of disposable tableware 2025-01-07 2026-01-07
德亿工业股份有限公司 Der-I Industrial Co., Ltd. 新北市 https://www.deri.com.tw/hot_494475.html
德亿工业股份有限公司 Der-I Industrial Co., Ltd. 新北市 https://www.deri.com.tw/hot_494475.html
https://schema.org/EventMovedOnline https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode
2025-01-07 http://schema.org/InStock TWD 0 https://www.deri.com.tw/hot_494475.html

相关连结:https://enews.moenv.gov.tw/Page/3B3C62C78849F32F/e9e0056e-ed ...









1. 以下场所不得提供免洗餐具:
1.1 政府部门
1.2 学校餐厅
1.3 百货公司
1.4 购物中心
1.5 量贩店
1.6 超级市场
1.7 连锁便利商店
1.8 连锁速食店

1.9 有店面餐饮业



2. 生物可分解塑胶亦列入不得使用范围。


3. 有店面之餐饮业的定义?






4. 购买食品后带至办公室座位、学校教室、电影院内,是否在管制范围?







1. Disposable tableware is not allowed in the following places:

1.1 Government departments
1.2 School cafeteria
1.3 Department stores
1.4 Shopping mall
1.5 mass merchandiser
1.6 Supermarket
1.7 Chain convenience stores
1.8 Chain fast food restaurants
1.9 Catering industry with stores


2. Biodegradable plastics are also prohibited from use.


3. What is the definition of catering industry with stores?

It refers to any catering industry whose business scope is within a building
or extends from a building to public spaces such as arcades and sidewalks,
and which provides seats for customers to order and eat on-site,
including restaurants and beverage shops.
However, this does not apply to catering vendors (shops, vendors)
in public and private markets and night markets.

4. Is it within the scope of control to buy food and bring it to office seats,

school classrooms, or movie theaters?
Purchasing food and bringing it to office seats, school classrooms,

and movie theaters is considered take-out behavior.


In summary, as long as it is takeout, it is not subject to restrictions.

A little advice: after using plastic tableware,

please recycle it if it can be cleaned and reused.


Do not use it once and throw it away.
Great advice, all customers must do a good job in sorting and recycling garbage.


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